Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New York Times names Waiheke Island as a 'place to go' in 2013

From NZ Herald... 'Waiheke Island has been dubbed a must-visit destination for 2013 by the New York Times - a tourism coup an Auckland advertising executive says many would give their eye teeth for. The newspaper noted the island's vineyards, its proximity to Auckland, and mentions "embracing its bohemian side".

From Kiwi Rail Scenic Journeys... ' Auckland's beautiful Waiheke Island has been named alongside such iconic destinations as Rio De Janeiro, Amsterdam, Montenegro and Puerto Rico as one of the top places to visit in 2013 by the New York Times.

The tiny island in the Hauraki Gulf ranked 35th out of just 46 locations which the influential newspaper deemed a must-see for the New Year, alongside the likes of Ireland and the Falkland Islands.

Once you have arrived on Waiheke, the hardest part is deciding what to see and do first! You might like to explore the serene beauty of the rolling green hills and coastal beaches with a bike tour of the island, or perhaps try your hand at snorkelling, fishing or stand up paddle boarding.

For those looking for a more leisurely experience, there are many fine eateries and vineyards showcasing the best in fresh food and stunning local wines.

On Saturday mornings, make sure you head on down to the War Memorial Hall & Reserve on Belgium Street for the Ostend Market, where you will be able to peruse a wonderful range of arts and crafts stalls as well as fresh fruit and vegetable stalls and other goodies.

There's something for everyone on Waiheke, which must be why it is making big waves as one of the foremost holiday destinations in the entire world'.

Listen to NY Times Audio slide show here.

Another reason to come to Dominion English Schools Auckland!! Have you been there? Tell us all about it. We'd love to hear from you

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